Real-Time Optical Measurements of Nanoparticle-Induced Melting and Resolidification Dynamics. Jo, Suhun; Schaich, William L. and Dragnea, Bogdan ACS Nano (2023), 17(1), 505-514 DOI:10.1021/acsnano.2c09212
A three-dimensional discrete model for approximating the deformation of a viral capsid subjected to lying over a flat surface in the static and time-dependent case. Piersanti, Paolo; White, Kristen; Dragnea, Bogdan and Temam, Roger Analysis and Applications (2022), 20(6), 1159-1191, DOI: 10.1142/S0219530522400024
Orbital Dynamics at Atmospheric Pressure in a Lensed, Dual-beam, Optical Trap. Raj, Amala; Schaich, William L. and Dragnea, Bogdan Journal of the Optical Society of America A (2022), 39(8),1468-1478 DOI:10.1364/JOSAA.459301
Ultrafast Collective Excited-State Dynamics of a Virus-Supported Fluorophore Antenna. Holmes, Joseph; Anil Sushma, Arathi; Tsvetkova, Irina B.; Schaich, William L.; Schaller, Richard D. and Dragnea, Bogdan Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2022), 13(14), 3237-3243, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c00262
Modelling Virus Contact Mechanics Under Atomic Force Imaging Conditions. Piersanti, Paolo; White, Kristen; Dragnea, Bogdan and Temam, Roger Applicable Analysis (2022), DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2022.2044027
Virus Assembly Pathways Inside a Host Cell. Panahandeh, Sanaz; Li, Siyu; Dragnea, Bogdan and Zandi, Roya ACS Nano (2022), 16(1), 317-327 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.1c06335
Hydrophobic Cargo Encapsulation into Virus Protein Cages by Self-Assembly in an Aprotic Organic Solvent. Xie, Amberly; Tsvetkova, Irina B.; Liu, Yang; Ye, Xingchen; Hewavitharanage, Priyadarshine; Dragnea, Bogdan and Cadena-Nava, Ruben D. Bioconjugate Chemistry (2021), 32(11), 2366-2376, DOI: 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.1c00420
Subset of Fluorophores Is Responsible for Radiation Brightening in Viromimetic Particles. Anil Sushma, Arathi; Zhao, Bingqing; Tsvetkova, Irina B.; Perez-Segura, Carolina; Hadden-Perilla, Jodi A.; Reily, James P. and Dragnea, Bogdan Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2021), 125(37), 10494-10505, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c06395
Virus Mechanics under Molecular Crowding. Zang, Cheng; Scott, Liam; Malyutin, Andrey; Zandi, Roya; van der Schoot, Paul and Dragnea, Bogdan Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2021), 125(7), 1790-1798, DOI:10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c10947
Virus Assembly Pathways: Straying Away but Not Too Far. Bond, Kevin; Tsvetkova, Irina; Wang, Joseph C.-Y.; Jarrold, Martin F. and Dragnea, Bogdan Small (2020), 16, 2004475, doi:10.1002/smll.202004475
A Laboratory Model for Virus Particle Nanoindentation. Thompson, William C.; Cattani, Angela J.; Lee, Olive; Ma, Xiang; Tsvetkova, Irina B. and Dragnea, Bogdan The Biophysicist (2020), 1(2), 5, DOI:10.35459/tbp.2019.000106
Studies of Nanoparticle-Assisted Photoannealing of Polydimethylsiloxane by Time-Harmonic Photothermal Microscopy. Zahedian, Maryam; Lee, Zachary; Koh, Eun Sohl and Dragnea, Bogdan ACS Photonics (2020), 7(9), 2601-2609, DOI:10.1021/acsphotonics.0c00968
Disassembly Intermediates of the Brome Mosaic Virus Identified by Charge Detection Mass Spectrometry. Bond, Kevin; Lyktey, Nicholas; Tsvetkova, Irina; Dragnea, Bogdan and Jarrold, Martin Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2020), 124(11), 2124-2131, DOI:10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c00008
On virus growth and form. Zandi, Roya; Dragnea, Bogdan; Travesset, Alex and Podgornik, Rudolf Physics Reports (2020), 847, 1-102, DOI:10.1016/j.physrep.2019.12.005
Watching a virus grow. Dragnea, Bogdan Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2019), DOI:10.1073/pnas.1915986116
Photothermal microspectroscopy with Bessel-Gauss beams and reflective objectives. Zahedian, Maryam; Koh, Eun Sohl; Dragnea, Bogdan Applied Optics (2019), 58(27), 7352-7358, DOI:10.1364/AO.58.007352
Radiation Brightening from Virus-like Particles. Tsvetkova, Irina B.; Anil Sushma, Arathi; Wang, Joseph C.-Y.; Schaich, William L.; Dragnea, Bogdan ACS Nano (2019), 13(10), 11401-11408, DOI:10.1021/acsnano.9b04786
Intermittency of Deformation and the Elastic Limit of an Icosahedral Virus under Compression. Hernando-Perez, Mercedes; Zeng, Cheng; Miguel, M. Carmen; Dragnea, Bogdan ACS Nano (2019), 13(7), 7842-7849, DOI:10.1021/acsnano.9b02133
In Vitro Assembly of Virus-Derived Designer Shells Around Inorganic Nanoparticles. Vieweger, Stella E.; Tsvetkova, Irina B.; Dragnea, Bogdan In: Wege C., Lomonossoff G. (eds) Virus-Derived Nanoparticles for Advanced Technologies. Methods in Molecular Biology (2018), vol 1776, Humana Press, New York, NY , DOI:10.1007/978-1-4939-7808-3_19
Self-assembly of convex particles on spherocylindrical surfaces. Lazaro, Guillermo Rodriguez; Dragnea, Bogdan; Hagan, Michael F. Soft Matter (2018), 14, 5728-5740, DOI:10.1039/C8SM00129D
Defects and Chirality in the Nanoparticle-Directed Assembly of Spherocylindrical Shells of Virus Coat Proteins. Zeng, Cheng; Lazaro, Guillermo Rodriguez; Tsvetkova, Irina B.; Hagan, Michael F.; Dragnea, Bogdan ACS Nano (2018), 12(6), 5323-5332, DOI:10.1021/acsnano.8b00069
Layered Structure and Complex Mechanochemistry Underlie Strength and Versatility in a Bacterial Adhesive. Hernando-Perez, Mercedes; Setayeshgar, Sima; Hou, Yifeng; Temam. Roger; Brun, Yves; Dragnea, Bogdan; Berne, Cecile mBio (2018), 9(1). DOI:10.1128/mBio.02359-17
Contact Mechanics of a Small Icosahedral Virus. Zeng, Cheng; Hernando-Perez, Mercedes; Dragnea, Bogdan; Ma, Xiang; van der Schoot, Paul; Zandy, Roya Physical Review Letters (2017), 119(3), 038102. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.038102
Virus-Based Devices: Prospects for Allopoiesis. Dragnea, Bogdan ACS Nano (2017), 11(4), 3433-3437. DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b01761
Probing the Link among Genomic Cargo, Contact Mechanics, and Nanoindentation in Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus 2. Zeng, Cheng; Moller-Tank, Sven; Asokan, Aravind; Dragnea, Bogdan Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2017), 121(8), 1843-1853. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.6b10131
Virus Matryoshka: A Bacteriophage Particle-Guided Molecular Assembly Approach to a Monodisperse Model of the Immature Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Saxena, Pooja; He, Li; Malyutin, Andrey; Datta, Siddhartha A. K.; Rein, Alan; Bond, Kevin M.; Jarrold, Martin F.; Spilotros, Alessandro; Svergun, Dmitri; Douglas, Trevor; Dragnea, Bogdan Small (2016), 12(42), 5862-5872. DOI: 10.1002/smll.201601712
Towards the modeling of nanoindentation of virus shells: Do substrate adhesion and geometry matter? Bousquet, Arthur; Dragnea, Bogdan; Tayachi, Manel; Temam, Roger Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena (2016), 336, 28-38. DOI:10.1016/j.physd.2016.06.013
Catching a Virus in a Molecular Net. Delalande, Lily; Tsvetkova, Irina; Zeng, Cheng; Bond, Kevin; Jarrold, Martin F.; Dragnea, Bogdan Nanoscale (2016), 8, 16221-16228. DOI:10.1039/C6NR04469G. This article is part of themed collection: 2016 Nanoscale HOT Article Collection
Structural and functional characterization of endothelial microparticles released by cigarette smoke. Serban, K.A.; Rezania, S.; Petrusca, D.N.; Poirier, C.; Cao, D.; Justice, M.J.; Patel, M.; Tsvetkova, I.; Kamocki, K.; Mikosz, A.; Schweitzer, K.S.; Jacobson, S.; Cardoso, A.; Carlesso, N.; Hubbard, W.C.; Kechris, K.; Dragnea, B.; Berdyshev, E.V.; McClintock, J.; and Petrache, I. Nature Scientific Reports (2016), 6, Article number: 31596, DOI:10.1038/srep31596
Towards Virus-Like Surface Plasmon Strain Sensors. Zahedian, Maryam; Huang, Xinlei; Tsvetkova, Irina B.; Rotello, Vincent M.; Schaich, William L.; Dragnea, Bogdan G. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2016), 120(26), 5896-5906, DOI:10.1021/acs.jpcb.6b01023
Examining the Heterogeneous Genome Content of Multipartite Viruses BMV and CCMV by Native Mass Spectrometry. van de Waterbeemd, Michiel; Snijder, Joost; Tsvetkova, Irina B.; Dragnea, Bogdan G.; Cornelissen, Jeroen J.; Heck, Albert J. R. Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry (2016), 27(6), 1000-1009, DOI:10.1007/s13361-016-1348-6
Nanoindentation of Isometric Viruses on Deterministically Corrugated Substrates. Hernando-Perez, Mercedes; Zeng, Cheng; Delalande, Lily; Tsvetkova, Irina B.; Bosquet, Arthur; Tayachi-Pigeonnat, Manel; Temam, Roger; Dragnea, Bogdan G. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2016), 120(2), 340-347, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b08362
Structure versus Composition: A Single-Particle Investigation of Plasmonic Bimetallic Nanocrystals. Smith, Alison F.; Weiner, Rebecca G.; Bower, Matthew M.; Dragnea, Bogdan; Skrabalak, Sara E. Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2015), 119(38), 22114-22121.
Measurement of Nanoparticle Adlayer Properties by Photothermal Microscopy. Koh, Eun Sohl; McDonald, James; Tsvetkova, Irina B.; Dragnea, Bogdan G. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2015), 6, 3621-3625.
Segmented GFP-like aptamer probes for functional imaging of viral genome trafficking. Tsvetkova, Irina B.; Yi, Guanghui; Yi, Yi; C. Cheng, Kao; Dragnea, Bogdan G. Virus Research (2015), 210, 291-297.
Principles of Design of Virus Nanoparticles for Imaging Applications. Tsvetkova, Irina B.; Dragnea, Bogdan G. Viral Nanothechnology, CRC Press (2015) 383-390.
Coat Protein-Dependent Behavior of Poly(ethylene glycol) Tails in Iron Oxide Core Virus-like Nanoparticles. Malyutin, Andrey G.;Cheng, Hu; Sanchez-Felix, Olivia R.; Carlson, Kenneth; Stein, Barry D.; Konarev, Petr V.; Svergun, Dmitri I.; Dragnea, Bogdan G.; Bronstein, Lyudmila M. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2015), 7 (22), 12089-12098.
Viruslike Nanoparticles with Maghemite Cores Allow for Enhanced MRI Contrast Agents. Malyutin, Andrey G.; Easterday, Rosemary; Lozovyy, Yaroslav; Spilotros, Alessandro; Cheng, Hu; Sanchez-Felix, Olivia R.; Stein, Barry D.; Morgan, David Gene; Svergun, Dmitri I.; Dragnea, Bogdan; Bronstein, Lyudmila M.; Chemistry of Materials (2015), 27 (1), 327-335.
Role of Charge Regulation and Size Polydispersity in Nanoparticle Encapsulation by Viral Coat Proteins. Kusters, Remy; Lin, Hsiang-Ku; Zandi, Roya; Tsvetkova, Irina B; Dragnea, Bogdan; van der Schoot, Paul. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2015), 119 (5), 1869-1880.
Encapsulation of nanoparticles in virus protein shells. Tsvetkova, Irina B; Dragnea, Bogdan. Protein Cages: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology) (2015) 1252:1-15.
Small Angle Scattering Study of the Structure and Organization of RNAs and Protein of Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV) Capsid Protein . Das, Narayan Ch.; Warren, Garfield T.; Kao, Cheng C.; Dragnea, Bogdan G.; Ni, Peng; Sokol, Paul E. Physics Procedia (2014), 60, 101-109.
In Singulo Probing of Viral RNA Dynamics by Multi-chromophore Fluorescence Dequenching. Smith, Virginia; Dragnea, Bogdan. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2014), 118 (49), 14345-14352.
Structurally Similar Woodchuck and Human Hepadnavirus Core Proteins Have Distinctly Different Temperature Dependences of Assembly. Kukreja, Alexander A.; Wang, Joseph C.-Y.; Pierson, Elizabeth; Keifer, David Z.; Selzer, Lisa; Tan, Zhenning; Dragnea, Bogdan; Jarrold, Martin F.; Zlotnick, Adam. Journal of Virology (2014), 88 (24), 14105-14115.
The Tripartite Virions of the Brome Mosaic Virus Have Distinct Physical Properties that Affect the Timing of the Infection Process. Vaughan, Robert; Tragesser, Brady; Ni, Peng; Ma, Xiang; Dragnea, Bogdan; Kao, C. Cheng. Journal of Virology (2014), 88 (11), 6483-6491.
Hepatitis Virus Capsid Polymorph Stability Depends on Encapsulated Cargo Size. He, Li; Poterfield, Zachary; van der Schoot, Paul; Zlotnick, Adam; Dragnea, Bogdan. ACS Nano (2013), 7 (10), 8447-8454.
Budding Pathway in the Templated Assembly of Viruslike Particles. Malyutin, Andrey; Dragnea, Bogdan. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2013), 117 (37), 10730-10736.
Fusion of mApple and Venus fluorescent proteins to the Sindbis virus E2 protein leads to different cell-binding properties. Tsvetkova, Irina; Cheng, Fan; Ma, Xiang; Moore, Alan; Howard, Benny; Mukhopadhyay, Suchetana; Dragnea, Bogdan. Virus Research (2013), 177 (2), 138-146.
Physiochemical Properties of Caulobacter crescentus Holdfast: A Localized Bacterial Adhesive. Berne, Cecile; Ma, Xiang; Licata, Nicholas; Neves, Bernardo Ruegger Almeida; Setayeshgar, Sima; Brun, Yves; Dragnea, Bogdan. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2013), 117 (36), 10492-10503.
The Packaging of Different Cargo into Enveloped Viral Nanoparticles. Cheng, Fan; Tsvetkova, Irina; Khuong, Y-Lan; Moore, Alan; Arnold, Randy; Goicochea, Nancy; Dragnea, Bogdan; Mukhopadhyay, Suchetana. Molecular Pharmaceutics (2013), 10(1), 51-58.
- An Examination of the Electrostatic Interactions Between the N-Terminal Tail of the Brome Mosaic Virus Coat Protein and Encapsidated RNAs. Ni, Peng; Wang, Zhao; Ma, Xiang; Das Nayaran, Chandra; Sokol, Paul; Chiu, Wah; Dragnea, Bogdan; Hagan, Michael; Kao, Cheng. Journal of Molecular Biology (2012), 419(5), 284-300.
- Pathway Switching in Templated Virus-Like Particle Assembly.Tsvetkova, Irina; Chen, Chao; Rana, Subinoy; Kao, Cheng; Rotello, Vincent; Dragnea, Bogdan. Soft Matter (2012), 8(17), 4570-4576.
- Engineering of Brome Mosaic Virus for Biomedical Applications. Yildiz, Ibrahim; Tsvetkova, Irina; Wen, Amy; Shukla, Sourabh; Masarapu, Hema; Dragnea, Bogdan; Steinmetz, Nicole. RSC Advances (2012), 2(9), 3670-3677.
- LL37 and Cationic Peptides Enhance TLR3 Signaling by Viral Double-stranded RNAs. Lai, Yvonne; Adhikarakunnathu, Sreedevi; Bhardwaj, Kanchan; Ranjith-Kumar, C.T.; Wen, Yahong; Jordan, Jarrat; Wu, Linda; Dragnea, Bogdan; San Mateo, Lani; Kao, Cheng. PLoS ONE (2011), 6(10), 1-14.
- Conformationally Dynamic pi-Conjugation: Probing Structure-Property Relationships of Fluorescent Tris(N-salicylideneaniline)s. Vieweger, Mario; Jiang, Xuan; Young-Kwan, Lim; Jo, Junyong; Lee, Downgwhan; Dragnea, Bogdan. Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2011), 115(46), 13298-308.
- Photothermal Imaging and Measurement of Protein Shell Stoichiometry of Single HIV-1 Gag Virus-like Nanoparticles. Vieweger, Mario; Goicochea, Nancy; Koh, Eun Sohl; Dragnea, Bogdan. ACS Nano (2011), 5(9), 7324-7333.
- Structure and Stoichiometry of Template-Directed Recombinant HIV-1 Gag Particles. Goicochea, Nancy L.; Datta, Siddhartha A. K.; Ayaluru, Murali; Kao, Cheng; Rein, Alan; Dragnea, Bogdan. Journal of Molecular Biology (2011), 410, 667-680.
- The coat protein leads the way: an update on basic and applied studies with the brome mosaic virus coat protein. Kao, C. Cheng; Ni, Peng; Hema, Masarapu; Huang, Xinlei; Dragnea, Bogdan. Molecular Plant Pathology (2011), 12(4),403-412.
- Magnetic Virus-like Nanoparticles in N. benthamiana Plants: A New Paradigm for Environmental and Agronomic Biotechnological Research. Huang, Xinlei; Stein, Barry D.; Cheng, Hu; Malyutin, Andrey; Tsvetkova, Irina B.; Baxter, David V.; Remmes, Nicholas B.; Verchot, Jeanmarie; Kao, Cheng; Bronstein, Lyudmila M.; Dragnea, Bogdan. ACS Nano (2011), 5(5), 4037-4045. (Cover)
- Slow Hot-Carrier Relaxation in Colloidal Graphene Quantum Dots. Mueller, Mallory L.; Yan, Xin; Dragnea, Bogdan; Li, Liang-shi. Nano Letters (2011), 11(1), 56-60.
- Hydrophilization of Magnetic Nanoparticles with Modified Alternating Copolymers. Part 2: Bahavior in Solution. Shtykova, Eleonora V.; Malyutin, Andrey; Dyke, Jason C.; Stein, Barry; Konarev, Peter V.; Dragnea, Bogdan; Svergun, Dmitri I.; Bronstein, Lyudmila M. Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2010), 114(50), 21908-21913.
- Hydrophilization of Magnetic Nanoparticles with Modified Alternating Copolymers. Part 1: The Influence of the Grafting. Bronstein, Lyudmila M.; Shtykova, Eleonora V.; Malyutin, Andrey; Dyke, Jason C.; Gunn, Emily; Gao, Xinfeng; Stein, Barry; Konarev, Peter V.; Dragnea, Bogdan; Svergun, Dmitri I. Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2010), 114(50), 21900-21907.
- Effects of amino-acid substitutions in the Brome mosaic virus capsid protein on RNA encapsidation. Hema, Masarapu; Murali, Ayaluru; Ni, Peng; Vaughan, Robert C.; Fujisaki, Koki; Tsvetkova, Irina; Dragnea, Bogdan; Kao, C. Cheng. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 23(11), 1433-1447 (2010).
- Role of Surface Charge Density in Nanoparticle-Templated Assembly of Bromovirus Protein Cages. Daniel, Marie-Christine; Tsvetkova, Irina B.; Quinkert, Zachary T.; Murali, Ayaluru; De, Mrinmoy; Rotello, Vincent M.; Kao, C. Cheng; Dragnea, Bogdan. ACS Nano, 4(7), 3853-3860 (2010).
- Bio-enabled synthesis of metamaterials. DuFort Christopher C; Dragnea, Bogdan. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 61, 323-344 (2010).
- Bionanodesign: Following Nature's Touch. Dragnea, Bogdan. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132(4), 1443-1444 (2010).
- Microfluidic Devices Integrating Microcavity Surface-Plasmon-Resonance Sensors: Glucose Oxidase Binding-Activity Detection. Amarie, Dragos; Alileche, Abdelkrim; Dragnea, Bogdan; Glazier, James A. Analytical Chemistry, 82(1), 343-352 (2010).
- Magnetic nanoparticles with functional silanes: Evolution of well-defined shells from anhydride containing silanes, Huang, Xinlei; Schmucker, Abrin; Dyke, Jason; Hall, Sara M.; Retrum, John; Stein, Barry; Remmes, Nicholas; Baxter, David V.; Dragnea, Bogdan; Bronstein, Lyudmila M. Journal of Materials Chemsitry, 19(24), 4231-4239 (2009).
- Synergistic Effects of Mutations and Nanoparticle Templating in the Self-Assembly of Cowpea Chlorotic Mottle Virus Capsids, Aniagyei, Stella E.; Kennedy, Chelsea J.; Stein, Barry; Willits, Deborah A.; Douglas, Trevor; Young, Mark J.; De, Mrinmoy; Rotello, Vincent M.; Srisathiyanarayanan, D.; Kao, C. Cheng; Dragnea, Bogdan. Nano Letters, 9(1), 393-398 (2009).
- Hydrophilic Monodisperse Magnetic Nanoparticles Protected by an Amphiphilic Alternating Copolymer, Shtykova, Eleonora V.; Huang, Xinlei; Gao, Xinfeng; Dyke, Jason C.; Schmucker, Abrin L.; Dragnea, Bogdan; Remmes, Nicholas; Baxter, David V.; Stein, Barry; Konarev, Peter V.; Svergun, Dmitri I.; Bronstein, Lyudmila M. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112(43), 16809-16816 (2008).
- Self-Assembly of Brome Mosaic Virus Capsids: Insights from Shorter Time-Scale Experiments, Chen, Chao; Kao, C. Cheng; Dragnea, Bogdan. J. Phys. Chem. A, 112(39),9405-9412 (2008).
- Self-assembly approaches to nanomaterial encapsulation in viral protein cages, Aniagyei, Stella E.; DuFort, Christopher; Kao, C. Cheng; Dragnea, Bogdan. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 18(32), 3763-3774 (2008).
- Well-defined hybrid magnetic nanoparticles by self-assembly, Bronstein, Lyudmila M.; Huang, Xinlei; Dyke, Jason; Schmucker, Abrin Lee; Dufort, Chris; Shtykova, Eleonora V.; Svergun, Dmitri I.; Dragnea, Bogdan; PMSE Preprints, 98, 115-116 (2008).
- Unnatural life, Dragnea, Bogdan. Nature Materials, 7(2), 102-104 (2008).
- Structure and Properties of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Encapsulated by Phospholipids with Poly(ethylene glycol) Tails, Shtykova, Eleonora V.; Huang, Xinlei; Remmes, Nicholas; Baxter, David; Stein, Barry; Dragnea, Bogdan; Svergun, Dmitri I.; Bronstein, Lyudmila M. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111(49), 18078-18086 (2007).
- Core-like Particles of an Enveloped Animal Virus Can Self-Assemble Efficiently on Artificial Templates, Goicochea, Nancy L.; De, Mrinmoy; Rotello, Vincent M.; Mukhopadhyay, Suchetana; Dragnea, Bogdan. Nano Letters, 7(8), 2281-2290 (2007).
- Reactivity-Based Fluoride Detection: Evolving Design Principles for Spring-Loaded Turn-On Fluorescent Probes, Jiang, Xuan; Vieweger, Mario C.; Bollinger, John C.; Dragnea, Bogdan; Lee, Dongwhan. Organic Letters, 9(18), 3579-3582 (2007).
- Self-Assembled Virus-like Particles with Magnetic Cores, Huang, Xinlei; Bronstein, Lyudmila M.; Retrum, John; Dufort, Chris; Tsvetkova, Irina; Aniagyei, Stella; Stein, Barry; Stucky, Galen; McKenna, Brandon; Remmes, Nicholas; Baxter, David; Kao, C. Cheng; Dragnea, Bogdan. Nano Letters, 7(8), 2407-2416 (2007).
- Influence of Iron Oleate Complex Structure on Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Formation, Bronstein, Lyudmila M.; Huang, Xinlei; Retrum, John; Schmucker, Abrin; Pink, Maren; Stein, Barry D.; Dragnea, Bogdan. Chemistry of Materials, 19(15), 3624-3632 (2007).
- Optical Field Enhancement at Cusps between Adjacent Nanoapertures, Onuta, Tiberiu-Dan; Waegele, Matthias; DuFort, Christopher C.; Schaich, William L.; Dragnea, Bogdan. Nano Letters, 7(3), 557-564 (2007).
- Core-controlled polymorphism in virus-like particles, Sun, Jingchuan; DuFort, Chris; Daniel, Marie-Christine; Murali, Ayaluru; Chen, Chao; Gopinath, Kodetham; Stein, Barry; De, Mrinmoy; Rotello, Vincent M.; Holzenburg, Andreas; Kao, C. Cheng; Dragnea, Bogdan. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(4), 1354-1359 (2007).
- Functionalized magnetic nanoparticles: Morphology-property relationship, Bronstein, Lyudmila M.; Huang, Xinlei; Retrum, John; Stein, Barry; Remmes, Nicholas B.; Baxter, David V.; Dixit, Suraj; Dragnea, Bogdan; Polymer Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry), 47(2), 849-850 (2006).
- Quantum Dot Encapsulation in Viral Capsids, Dixit, Suraj K.; Goicochea, Nancy L.; Daniel, Marie-Christine; Murali, Ayaluru; Bronstein, Lyudmila; De, Mrinmoy; Stein, Barry; Rotello, Vincent M.; Kao, C. Cheng; Dragnea, Bogdan. Nano Letters, 6(9), 1993-1999 (2006).
- Hybrid Polymer Particles with a Protective Shell: Synthesis, Structure, and Templating, Bronstein, Lyudmila M.; Dixit, Suraj; Tomaszewski, John; Stein, Barry; Svergun, Dmitri I.; Konarev, Peter V.; Shtykova, Eleonora; Werner-Zwanziger, Ulrike; Dragnea, Bogdan. Chemistry of Materials, 18(9), 2418-2430 (2006).
- Nanoparticle-Templated Assembly of Viral Protein Cages, Chen, Chao; Daniel, Marie-Christine; Quinkert, Zachary T.; De, Mrinmoy; Stein, Barry; Bowman, Valorie D.; Chipman, Paul R.; Rotello, Vincent M.; Kao, C. Cheng; Dragnea, Bogdan. Nano Letters, 6(4), 611-615 (2006).
- Packaging of gold particles in viral capsids, Chen, Chao; Kwak, Eun-Soo; Stein, Barry; Kao, C. Cheng; Dragnea, Bogdan. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 5(12), 2029-2033 (2005).
- Time-Resolved Spectroscopic Studies of the AppA Blue-Light Receptor BLUF Domain from Rhodobacter sphaeroides, Dragnea, Vladimira; Waegele, Matthias; Balascuta, Septimiu; Bauer, Carl; Dragnea, Bogdan. Biochemistry, 44(49), 15978-15985 (2005).
- Interaction between Brome mosaic virus proteins and RNAs: Effects on RNA replication, protein expression, and RNA stability, Gopinath, K.; Dragnea, B.; Kao, C. Journal of Virology, 79(22), 14222-14234 (2005).
- Submicrometer Cavity Surface Plasmon Sensors, Amarie, Dragos; Onuta, Tiberiu-Dan; Potyrailo, Radislav A.; Dragnea, Bogdan. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109(32), 15515-15519 (2005).
- Three-Dimensional Mapping of the Light Intensity Transmitted through Nanoapertures, Amarie, Dragos; Rawlinson, Nathan D.; Schaich, William L.; Dragnea, Bogdan; Jacobson, Stephen C. Nano Letters, 5(7), 1227-1230 (2005).
- Fluctuation correlation spectroscopy of near-field trapped nanoparticles, Onuta, Tiberiu-Dan; Schaich, William L.; Dragnea, Bogdan G; Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, 5736 (Nanomanipulation with Light), 25-29 (2005), DOI:10.1117/12.591679.
- Optical Trapping with Integrated Near-Field Apertures, Kwak, Eun-Soo; Onuta, Tiberiu-Dan; Amarie, Dragos; Potyrailo, Radislav; Stein, Barry; Jacobson, Stephen C.; Schaich, W. L.; Dragnea, Bogdan. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108(36), 13607-13612 (2004).
- Viruses as optical probes, Kwak, E.-S.; Chen, C.; Kao, C. Cheng; Schaich, W. L.; Dragnea, B. Editor(s): Laudon, Matthew; Romanowicz, Bart; NSTI Nanotech 2004, NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Boston, MA, 1, 11-14 (2004).
- Field-Induced Interfacial Properties of Gold Nanoparticles in AC Microelectrophoretic Experiments, Kloepper, Kathryn D.; Onuta, Tiberiu-Dan; Amarie, Dragos; Dragnea, Bogdan. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108(8), 2547-2553 (2004).
- Chemical Imaging NSOM, Dragnea, B; in the Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 1st edition, Marcel Dekker, NY, (2004).
- Gold nanoparticles as spectroscopic enhancers for in vitro studies on single viruses, Dragnea, Bogdan; Chen, Chao; Kwak, Eun-Soo; Stein, Barry; Kao, C. Cheng. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125(21), 6374-6375 (2003).
- Water Vapor Uptake in Photolithographic Polymers Observed by Infrared Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy in a Controlled Environment, McDonough, Laurie A.; Dragnea, Bogdan; Preusser, Jan; Leone, Stephen R.; Hinsberg, William D. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 107(21), 4951-4954 (2003).
- Near-Field Surface Plasmon Excitation on Structured Gold Films, Dragnea, Bogdan; Szarko, Jodi M.; Kowarik, Stefan; Weimann, Thomas; Feldmann, Jochen; Leone, Stephen R. Nano Letters, 3(1), 3-7 (2003).(Cover)
- Influence of adsorbates on UV-pulsed laser melting of Si in ultra-high vacuum, Dragnea, B.; Boulmer, J.; Debarre, D.; Bourguignon, B. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 73(5), 609-613 (2001).
- Growth of a SiC layer on Si(100) from adsorbed propene by laser melting, Dragnea, Bogdan; Boulmer, Jacques; Debarre, Dominique; Bourguignon, Bernard. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 73(5), 609-613 (2001).
- Chemical mapping of patterned polymer photoresists by near-field infrared microscopy, Dragnea, B.; Preusser, J.; Szarko, J. M.; McDonough, L. A.; Leone, S. R.; Hinsberg, W. D; Applied Surface Science,175-176, 783-789 (2001).
- Advances in submicron infrared vibrational band chemical imaging, Dragnea, Bogdan; Leone, Stephen R. International Reviews in Physical Chemistry, 20(1), 59-92 (2001).
- Pattern characterization of deep-ultraviolet photoresists by near-field infrared microscopy, Dragnea, Bogdan; Preusser, Jan; Szarko, Jodi M.; Leone, Stephen R.; Hinsberg, William D. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology, B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 19(1), 142-152 (2001).
2000 & earlier
- Site selective probe of the desorption of CO from Pd(111) by sum frequency generation and Fourier transform IR: a comparison of thermal and laser desorption, Carrez, Serge; Dragnea, Bogdan; Zheng, Wan Quan; Dubost, Henri; Bourguignon, Bernard. Surface Science, 440(1-2), 151-162 (1999).
- Transmission near-field scanning microscope for infrared chemical imaging, Dragnea, Bogdan; Preusser, Jan; Schade, Wolfgang; Leone, Stephen R.; Hinsberg, William D. Journal of Applied Physics, 86(5), 2795-2799 (1999).
- Photoinduced effects in UV laser melting of Si in UHV, Dragnea, Bogdan. Physical Review Letters, 82(15), 3085-3088 (1999).
- Vibrational spectroscopy of imperfect CO/Pd(111) surfaces obtained by adsorption between 150 and 230 K, Bourguignon, Bernard; Carrez, Serge; Dragnea, Bogdan; Dubost, Henri. Surface Science, 418(1), 171-180 (1998).
- Laser induced structural or compositional modifications of Si or IV-IV surface: planarization, pulsed laser induced epitaxy, carbon incorporation, chemical etching, Boulmer, J.; Dragnea, B.; Guedj, C.; Debarre, D.; Bosseboeuf, A.; Finkman, E.; Bourguignon, B. Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, 3404(Laser Surface Processing), 149-158 (1998), DOI: 10.1117/12.308609.
- Laser-induced annealing and etching of silicon: experiments and mathematical simulations, Bourguignon, B.; Dragnea, B.; Boulmer, J.; Budin, J. -P.; Debarre, D; Annales de Physique (Paris), 22(Colloq. 1), C1/229-C1/236 (1997).
- Desorption and diffusion at pulsed-laser-melted surfaces: The case of chlorine on silicon, Dragnea, Bogdan; Boulmer, Jacques; Budin, Jean-Pierre; Debarre, Dominique; Bourguignon, Bernard. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter, 55(20), 13904-13915 (1997).
- Laser modifications of Si(100):Cl surfaces induced by surface melting: etching and cleaning, Bourguignon, B.; Stoica, M.; Dragnea, B.; Carrez, S.; Boulmer, J.; Budin, J.-P.; Debarre, D.; Aliouchouche, A. Surface Science, 338(1-3), 94-110 (1995).
- IR and UV laser-assisted deposition from titanium tetrachloride: a comparative study, Alexandrescu, R.; Cireasa, R.; Dragnea, B.; Morjan, I.; Voicu, I.; Andrei, A.; Visiliu, F.; Popescu, C. Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics, 5(1), 19-30 (1995).
- Laser-induced photodeposition from ZnS colloid solutions, Peled, A.; Dragnea, B.; Alexandrescu, Rodica; Andrei, A. Applied Surface Science, 86(1-4), 538-42 (1995).
- Field distribution effects in laser driven diffusion through metal capillaries, Dragnea, Bogdan. Infrared Physics & Technology, 35(6), 765-73 (1994).
- Substance separation by the action of a pulsed IR laser radiation on gas-mixture flows through capillaries, Alexandrescu, R.; Dragnea, B.; Morjan, I.; Stoica, M. Infrared Physics & Technology, 35(6), 757-64 (1994).